Posiadam system Piłki Nożnej.
a) W actrions/scripts tworzymy plik o nazwie: fut.lua i wpisujemy tam:
</-- Script By Potreco =D --> function onUse(cid,item,frompos,item2,topos) pos1 = {x = 344,y = 248,z = 7} pos2 = {x = 337,y = 248,z = 7} poscentro2 = {x = 335,y = 242,z = 7} poscentro1 = {x = 346,y = 242,z = 7} idbola = 2160 -- Id do item que irá ser utilizado como bola tempo = 2*60*1000 -- Tempo de duração de cada partida outfit1 = {lookType = 128, lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94, lookAddons = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookAddons}--Outfit que o time 1 utilizará outfit2 = {lookType = 128, lookHead = 0, lookBody = 0, lookLegs = 0, lookFeet = 0, lookAddons = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookAddons} --Outfit do time 2 time1 = getSpectators(pos1,2,0) time2 = getSpectators(pos2,2,0) if getGlobalStorageValue(20003) == -1 then setGlobalStorageValue(20003,1) if time1 then for i = 1,#time1 do doSetCreatureOutfit(time1[i], outfit1,tempo) doTeleportThing(time1[i],poscentro1) end end if time2 then for i = 1,#time2 do doSetCreatureOutfit(time2[i], outfit2,tempo) doTeleportThing(time2[i],poscentro2) end end doCreateItem(idbola,poscentro1) doBroadcastMessage("Começa o jogo!") addEvent(function() players = getSpectators(poscentro1,12,5) if players ~= nil then for i = 1,#players do doTeleportThing(players[i],pos1) end end doBroadcastMessage("Fim de jogo! O placar foi de: Time 1 "..getGlobalStorageValue(20000).." x "..getGlobalStorageValue(20001).." Time 2") setGlobalStorageValue(20000,0) setGlobalStorageValue(20001,0) setGlobalStorageValue(20003,-1) end,tempo) end return TRUE end
b) Następnie dodajemy linijke do actions.xml
<action actionid="5555" event="script" value="fut.lua"/>
a) Wchodzimy w Movements/scripts i tworzymy nowy plik o nazwie: fut.lua i wpisujemy do niego:
</-- Script By Potreco =D --> function onAddItem(moveitem, tileitem, position, cid) gol1 = { {x=328,y=240,z=7}, {x=329,y=244,z=7} } gol2 = { {x=352,y=240,z=7}, {x=353,y=244,z=7} } poscentro2 = {x = 335,y = 242,z = 7} poscentro1 = {x = 346,y = 242,z = 7} if inArea(position,gol1[1],gol1[2]) then doBroadcastMessage("Gol do time 1!") setGlobalStorageValue(20000,getGlobalStorageValue(20000) + 1) doRemoveItem(moveitem.uid) doCreateItem(moveitem.itemid,poscentro1) elseif inArea(position,gol2[1], gol2[2]) then doBroadcastMessage("Gol do time 2!") setGlobalStorageValue(20001,getGlobalStorageValue(20001) + 1) doRemoveItem(moveitem.uid) doCreateItem(moveitem.itemid,poscentro2) end return true end function inArea(p,pos1,pos2) if p.x >= pos1.x and p.x <= pos2.x then if p.y >= pos1.y and p.y <= pos2.y then if p.z == pos1.z then return true end end end return false end
b) Następnie w movements.xml dopsujemy:
<movevent type="AddItem" tileitem="0" itemid="2160" event="script" value="fut.lua"/>
I mamy gotowy skrypt.
Nowy użytkownik
ze tak sie spytam czy do mapy trzeba ręcznie dodać boisko czy automat